arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food
arazuta: Title: Comfort Characters: Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin Rating: PG-13 ish Notes: Bad brain day college-age stuff in which we pretend Makishima didn’t move to another country because then how will Tadokoro hug her??? Warnings: #food