macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic
macklemorologist: *straight fandom blogger voice* hey ive got a good idea how about instead of making that character bisexual we make them “straight with an exception” thats so romantic