don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to
don’t be like me kids. if your aid tells you “it’s not your problem” to know a student’s IEP modifications, because “it’s [the aid’s] job,” don’t accept it. or try to find a backwards way to