ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong
ipoog: yeah everyones allowed to have their opinions and shit but once your opinion dehumanizes a person and strips them of their fucking rights then guess what youre wrong