ewelock: “The Little Scuba Diver” Bonus: So my headcanon for this picture is that Bilbo is a marine biologist who Gandalf, the wandering seafarer fisherman, consults for help on a quest to take back the under the sea kingdom, Erebor, and to destroy
ewelock: “The Little Scuba Diver” Bonus: So my headcanon for this picture is that Bilbo is a marine biologist who Gandalf, the wandering seafarer fisherman, consults for help on a quest to take back the under the sea kingdom, Erebor, and to destroy
ewelock: “The Little Scuba Diver” Bonus: So my headcanon for this picture is that Bilbo is a marine biologist who Gandalf, the wandering seafarer fisherman, consults for help on a quest to take back the under the sea kingdom, Erebor, and to destroy
ewelock: “The Little Scuba Diver” Bonus: So my headcanon for this picture is that Bilbo is a marine biologist who Gandalf, the wandering seafarer fisherman, consults for help on a quest to take back the under the sea kingdom, Erebor, and to destroy