dirtypawz: lloxie: wildberry-poptart: Today in which: What if fursuits could be possessed by ethereal spirits and attack people. XD Pffft you mean the whole plot of five nights at freddys? Those were animatronics. Metal skeletons inside. :p But yeah
dirtypawz: lloxie: wildberry-poptart: Today in which: What if fursuits could be possessed by ethereal spirits and attack people. XD Pffft you mean the whole plot of five nights at freddys? Those were animatronics. Metal skeletons inside. :p But yeah
dirtypawz: lloxie: wildberry-poptart: Today in which: What if fursuits could be possessed by ethereal spirits and attack people. XD Pffft you mean the whole plot of five nights at freddys? Those were animatronics. Metal skeletons inside. :p But yeah