ask-scarycrows:“You look really swell n’ rural with that hat on!” “That’s probably why he’s eye’in us from over there. He probably thinks Neon here’s an emu.” (But thank LUNA he’s not a Cassowary. Fuck those guys. @ask-pegasusneonnotes,
ask-scarycrows:“You look really swell n’ rural with that hat on!” “That’s probably why he’s eye’in us from over there. He probably thinks Neon here’s an emu.” (But thank LUNA he’s not a Cassowary. Fuck those guys. @ask-pegasusneonnotes,
ask-scarycrows:“You look really swell n’ rural with that hat on!” “That’s probably why he’s eye’in us from over there. He probably thinks Neon here’s an emu.” (But thank LUNA he’s not a Cassowary. Fuck those guys. @ask-pegasusneonnotes,