wicked-thornes: [2:18:17 AM] Scramjet: The once was a brown batpon who lived in a cave. A being to share his affections, he did crave. So he flew into the sky, way up high to where a grey planepon was passing by. He was caught by surprise, the brown
wicked-thornes: [2:18:17 AM] Scramjet: The once was a brown batpon who lived in a cave. A being to share his affections, he did crave. So he flew into the sky, way up high to where a grey planepon was passing by. He was caught by surprise, the brown
wicked-thornes: [2:18:17 AM] Scramjet: The once was a brown batpon who lived in a cave. A being to share his affections, he did crave. So he flew into the sky, way up high to where a grey planepon was passing by. He was caught by surprise, the brown