sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him
sapphire-and-greyzeek: askgrumpybutt: Dawn: “Don’t worry, Mr. Fluffles! I’ll take care of-” *looks around* “Where’d he go? Parchy! You went and scared him off!”(Featuring the world’s cutest dragon, Greyzeek! I hope I drew him