heartstringscomic: (2/2) The birth of a fangirl. Although she’s often depicted as the daughter of our mane duo in the fandom, I’m taking a slightly different approach to her. She’ll get tons of “screen” time, so we’ll get to know her well.
heartstringscomic: (2/2) The birth of a fangirl. Although she’s often depicted as the daughter of our mane duo in the fandom, I’m taking a slightly different approach to her. She’ll get tons of “screen” time, so we’ll get to know her well.
heartstringscomic: (2/2) The birth of a fangirl. Although she’s often depicted as the daughter of our mane duo in the fandom, I’m taking a slightly different approach to her. She’ll get tons of “screen” time, so we’ll get to know her well.
heartstringscomic: (2/2) The birth of a fangirl. Although she’s often depicted as the daughter of our mane duo in the fandom, I’m taking a slightly different approach to her. She’ll get tons of “screen” time, so we’ll get to know her well.