paperderp: “Derpy wearing a plunger on her head + Sunbutt’s crown and other stuff, sitting on Sunbutt’s throne. A panicked looking Sunbutt is saying "Just sit there and look calm. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes!”“ by 2 Different
paperderp: “Derpy wearing a plunger on her head + Sunbutt’s crown and other stuff, sitting on Sunbutt’s throne. A panicked looking Sunbutt is saying "Just sit there and look calm. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes!”“ by 2 Different
paperderp: “Derpy wearing a plunger on her head + Sunbutt’s crown and other stuff, sitting on Sunbutt’s throne. A panicked looking Sunbutt is saying "Just sit there and look calm. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes!”“ by 2 Different