aero-replies: ((The way someone dresses, talks, and acts doesn’t quite ALWAYS give away their sexuality. Ex:Boys that talk effeminate shouldn’t by default be labeled gay)) It’s not so much that I assume such characters are gay… I just
aero-replies: ((The way someone dresses, talks, and acts doesn’t quite ALWAYS give away their sexuality. Ex:Boys that talk effeminate shouldn’t by default be labeled gay)) It’s not so much that I assume such characters are gay… I just
aero-replies: ((The way someone dresses, talks, and acts doesn’t quite ALWAYS give away their sexuality. Ex:Boys that talk effeminate shouldn’t by default be labeled gay)) It’s not so much that I assume such characters are gay… I just
aero-replies: ((The way someone dresses, talks, and acts doesn’t quite ALWAYS give away their sexuality. Ex:Boys that talk effeminate shouldn’t by default be labeled gay)) It’s not so much that I assume such characters are gay… I just
aero-replies: ((The way someone dresses, talks, and acts doesn’t quite ALWAYS give away their sexuality. Ex:Boys that talk effeminate shouldn’t by default be labeled gay)) It’s not so much that I assume such characters are gay… I just