ask-crackpot: On the streets of Fillydelphia (( Sorry this took so long. For the people who forgot, we’re moving into flashback territory. So meet Babbu Crackpot and Mama Crackpot (she’s a rather blunt individual). I’ll now try and get back into
ask-crackpot: On the streets of Fillydelphia (( Sorry this took so long. For the people who forgot, we’re moving into flashback territory. So meet Babbu Crackpot and Mama Crackpot (she’s a rather blunt individual). I’ll now try and get back into
ask-crackpot: On the streets of Fillydelphia (( Sorry this took so long. For the people who forgot, we’re moving into flashback territory. So meet Babbu Crackpot and Mama Crackpot (she’s a rather blunt individual). I’ll now try and get back into