derpyoswinoswald: alanjcastonguay: Muffin Factory. Now a Muffin’s tale isn’t simple bitesOf the baking we brew of sugar and spiceBut a muffin’s tasty once you get to chew itWith the help of the derping of a pegasusus’ eyes One bite bigger into
derpyoswinoswald: alanjcastonguay: Muffin Factory. Now a Muffin’s tale isn’t simple bitesOf the baking we brew of sugar and spiceBut a muffin’s tasty once you get to chew itWith the help of the derping of a pegasusus’ eyes One bite bigger into
derpyoswinoswald: alanjcastonguay: Muffin Factory. Now a Muffin’s tale isn’t simple bitesOf the baking we brew of sugar and spiceBut a muffin’s tasty once you get to chew itWith the help of the derping of a pegasusus’ eyes One bite bigger into