askcloudsdalefillies: “Two of the coolest ponies in the world… yet, right about now I feel all warm inside.” <3 ((Hnnng, Spitdash is too cute to resist!)) One of the few pairings I’m not fond of… but hnnng, those earnoms~! >w<
askcloudsdalefillies: “Two of the coolest ponies in the world… yet, right about now I feel all warm inside.” <3 ((Hnnng, Spitdash is too cute to resist!)) One of the few pairings I’m not fond of… but hnnng, those earnoms~! >w<
askcloudsdalefillies: “Two of the coolest ponies in the world… yet, right about now I feel all warm inside.” <3 ((Hnnng, Spitdash is too cute to resist!)) One of the few pairings I’m not fond of… but hnnng, those earnoms~! >w<