asklittlericepaddy: Yeah, I have! He get’s really nervous though.. So I give him nuzzies! (So nuzzies are sorta the equivalent of kissies to Paddy And this was basically a way for me to make a cute shipping update ;3; I’mreallyreallysorry) HNNNNG
asklittlericepaddy: Yeah, I have! He get’s really nervous though.. So I give him nuzzies! (So nuzzies are sorta the equivalent of kissies to Paddy And this was basically a way for me to make a cute shipping update ;3; I’mreallyreallysorry) HNNNNG
asklittlericepaddy: Yeah, I have! He get’s really nervous though.. So I give him nuzzies! (So nuzzies are sorta the equivalent of kissies to Paddy And this was basically a way for me to make a cute shipping update ;3; I’mreallyreallysorry) HNNNNG