kdentxx16:The only time my son hears me swear is when he’s giving me a real good fucking. He’s done it enough to know that the more I swear the better he’s doing. Nowadays his mission in life is to make me start swearing like a sailor.
kdentxx16:The only time my son hears me swear is when he’s giving me a real good fucking. He’s done it enough to know that the more I swear the better he’s doing. Nowadays his mission in life is to make me start swearing like a sailor.
kdentxx16:The only time my son hears me swear is when he’s giving me a real good fucking. He’s done it enough to know that the more I swear the better he’s doing. Nowadays his mission in life is to make me start swearing like a sailor.
kdentxx16:The only time my son hears me swear is when he’s giving me a real good fucking. He’s done it enough to know that the more I swear the better he’s doing. Nowadays his mission in life is to make me start swearing like a sailor.