docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly
docile-deer:Lately the Controller has been having me send him videos of me patrolling the apartment while activated. He is a true robotification fetishist in every sense, and wants me to walk, move, speak, orgasm, breathe, eat, and exercise in as smoothly