elijahwood: “What’s the rate of exchange on the life of a bird? ‘Cause if it’s equal to or greater than mine, I need to get back to my car.” “I’m more concerned for that squirrel.”
elijahwood: “What’s the rate of exchange on the life of a bird? ‘Cause if it’s equal to or greater than mine, I need to get back to my car.” “I’m more concerned for that squirrel.”
elijahwood: “What’s the rate of exchange on the life of a bird? ‘Cause if it’s equal to or greater than mine, I need to get back to my car.” “I’m more concerned for that squirrel.”
elijahwood: “What’s the rate of exchange on the life of a bird? ‘Cause if it’s equal to or greater than mine, I need to get back to my car.” “I’m more concerned for that squirrel.”
elijahwood: “What’s the rate of exchange on the life of a bird? ‘Cause if it’s equal to or greater than mine, I need to get back to my car.” “I’m more concerned for that squirrel.”