perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)
perrfectly: “Here is the bitter truth, that mouthful of thorns you called our last kiss still lingers after so many others.” — Clementine von Radics (via perrfectly)