rottenmeats: hankpeters: redvedev: fiztheancient: lmfao what YUP lol she never asked to “work it out” in person, meaning she was obviously afraid of conflict man im missing out on all the good sciggles drama whats going onwho ‘ran’ from
rottenmeats: hankpeters: redvedev: fiztheancient: lmfao what YUP lol she never asked to “work it out” in person, meaning she was obviously afraid of conflict man im missing out on all the good sciggles drama whats going onwho ‘ran’ from
rottenmeats: hankpeters: redvedev: fiztheancient: lmfao what YUP lol she never asked to “work it out” in person, meaning she was obviously afraid of conflict man im missing out on all the good sciggles drama whats going onwho ‘ran’ from