jlewdaby: SHADBASE | TWITTER | PATREON and here’s pages 13-15! ahhh man the memories of these pages. euuugh looking at it now…REALLY wish i could’ve changed a lot of things.
jlewdaby: SHADBASE | TWITTER | PATREON and here’s pages 13-15! ahhh man the memories of these pages. euuugh looking at it now…REALLY wish i could’ve changed a lot of things.
jlewdaby: SHADBASE | TWITTER | PATREON and here’s pages 13-15! ahhh man the memories of these pages. euuugh looking at it now…REALLY wish i could’ve changed a lot of things.
jlewdaby: SHADBASE | TWITTER | PATREON and here’s pages 13-15! ahhh man the memories of these pages. euuugh looking at it now…REALLY wish i could’ve changed a lot of things.