cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants
cannibalcoalition: durnesque-esque: dupionianddamask: lord-kitschener: I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants