unit02chan: narurainbow: :’) i said i was going to make more animal crossings HAH and OF COURSE I HAD TO MAKE MORE BERSERKS (griffith doesn’t deserve to be on the same page as the pack. FUCK HIM) OH WOW! THESE ARE WONDERFUL!
unit02chan: narurainbow: :’) i said i was going to make more animal crossings HAH and OF COURSE I HAD TO MAKE MORE BERSERKS (griffith doesn’t deserve to be on the same page as the pack. FUCK HIM) OH WOW! THESE ARE WONDERFUL!
unit02chan: narurainbow: :’) i said i was going to make more animal crossings HAH and OF COURSE I HAD TO MAKE MORE BERSERKS (griffith doesn’t deserve to be on the same page as the pack. FUCK HIM) OH WOW! THESE ARE WONDERFUL!