winterayars: hirakumblr: magiccatprincess: sumnortheother: Oh man, I just wanna go off into a tirade about Harley’s awesomeness, but gosh. She has been so amazing in Injustice. She’s literally been the star of the series for me. Also, let’s
winterayars: hirakumblr: magiccatprincess: sumnortheother: Oh man, I just wanna go off into a tirade about Harley’s awesomeness, but gosh. She has been so amazing in Injustice. She’s literally been the star of the series for me. Also, let’s
winterayars: hirakumblr: magiccatprincess: sumnortheother: Oh man, I just wanna go off into a tirade about Harley’s awesomeness, but gosh. She has been so amazing in Injustice. She’s literally been the star of the series for me. Also, let’s
winterayars: hirakumblr: magiccatprincess: sumnortheother: Oh man, I just wanna go off into a tirade about Harley’s awesomeness, but gosh. She has been so amazing in Injustice. She’s literally been the star of the series for me. Also, let’s
winterayars: hirakumblr: magiccatprincess: sumnortheother: Oh man, I just wanna go off into a tirade about Harley’s awesomeness, but gosh. She has been so amazing in Injustice. She’s literally been the star of the series for me. Also, let’s
winterayars: hirakumblr: magiccatprincess: sumnortheother: Oh man, I just wanna go off into a tirade about Harley’s awesomeness, but gosh. She has been so amazing in Injustice. She’s literally been the star of the series for me. Also, let’s
winterayars: hirakumblr: magiccatprincess: sumnortheother: Oh man, I just wanna go off into a tirade about Harley’s awesomeness, but gosh. She has been so amazing in Injustice. She’s literally been the star of the series for me. Also, let’s