shoutime: This is an official SEGA toaster which I won back in 2002. It was never sold in stores, rather it was a contest prize. nice, sega builds a toaster that leaves parts of the bread untoasted. no wonder they lost to the other companies.
shoutime: This is an official SEGA toaster which I won back in 2002. It was never sold in stores, rather it was a contest prize. nice, sega builds a toaster that leaves parts of the bread untoasted. no wonder they lost to the other companies.
shoutime: This is an official SEGA toaster which I won back in 2002. It was never sold in stores, rather it was a contest prize. nice, sega builds a toaster that leaves parts of the bread untoasted. no wonder they lost to the other companies.
shoutime: This is an official SEGA toaster which I won back in 2002. It was never sold in stores, rather it was a contest prize. nice, sega builds a toaster that leaves parts of the bread untoasted. no wonder they lost to the other companies.