gottacatchemall: Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 is released today! It will be released in Australia on October 11th and in Europe on October 12th. :) Shiny Exclusives: Shiny Gible (B2) or Shiny Dratini (W2) (Information/Pictures from Serebii & Bulbape
gottacatchemall: Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 is released today! It will be released in Australia on October 11th and in Europe on October 12th. :) Shiny Exclusives: Shiny Gible (B2) or Shiny Dratini (W2) (Information/Pictures from Serebii & Bulbape
gottacatchemall: Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 is released today! It will be released in Australia on October 11th and in Europe on October 12th. :) Shiny Exclusives: Shiny Gible (B2) or Shiny Dratini (W2) (Information/Pictures from Serebii & Bulbape