subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane
subtrainer: That gag is _not_ to silence her. It is to allow her to make all the noise she wants. Understanding why and how to do things is the key to good training. —Cane