valnoressa: Lok’tar Ogar! Victory or Dick! The crowd cheers and chants all around the rafters of the Nagrand arena, but not for more blood and the clash of steel. This time they’re cheering for quite a different sight! Iselda, Mage of the Kirin Tor
valnoressa: Lok’tar Ogar! Victory or Dick! The crowd cheers and chants all around the rafters of the Nagrand arena, but not for more blood and the clash of steel. This time they’re cheering for quite a different sight! Iselda, Mage of the Kirin Tor
valnoressa: Lok’tar Ogar! Victory or Dick! The crowd cheers and chants all around the rafters of the Nagrand arena, but not for more blood and the clash of steel. This time they’re cheering for quite a different sight! Iselda, Mage of the Kirin Tor