hypnorekt: Kentucky Fried Loli Captain Falcon, fried chicken, live chicken, chicken restaurant, cocks. Just so many birds everywhere you look. T_T Don’t mind the grumpy little guy in the back, he is just upset I didn’t include him in the action.
hypnorekt: Kentucky Fried Loli Captain Falcon, fried chicken, live chicken, chicken restaurant, cocks. Just so many birds everywhere you look. T_T Don’t mind the grumpy little guy in the back, he is just upset I didn’t include him in the action.
hypnorekt: Kentucky Fried Loli Captain Falcon, fried chicken, live chicken, chicken restaurant, cocks. Just so many birds everywhere you look. T_T Don’t mind the grumpy little guy in the back, he is just upset I didn’t include him in the action.
hypnorekt: Kentucky Fried Loli Captain Falcon, fried chicken, live chicken, chicken restaurant, cocks. Just so many birds everywhere you look. T_T Don’t mind the grumpy little guy in the back, he is just upset I didn’t include him in the action.