vaurrasfm: I am very eager to see Suicide Squad. I’m loving the look of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn so far. So in honor of that I have done some heavy Photoshop editing of Arkham Harley to resemble the Suicide Squad design.
vaurrasfm: I am very eager to see Suicide Squad. I’m loving the look of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn so far. So in honor of that I have done some heavy Photoshop editing of Arkham Harley to resemble the Suicide Squad design.
vaurrasfm: I am very eager to see Suicide Squad. I’m loving the look of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn so far. So in honor of that I have done some heavy Photoshop editing of Arkham Harley to resemble the Suicide Squad design.