ginkasu: because W.I.P. is content tooI sometimes work on things that don’t work out … sometimes they get deleted before anyone can see them and other times they get rendered in their unfinished state and kinda rot in one of my folders for eternity
ginkasu: because W.I.P. is content tooI sometimes work on things that don’t work out … sometimes they get deleted before anyone can see them and other times they get rendered in their unfinished state and kinda rot in one of my folders for eternity
ginkasu: because W.I.P. is content tooI sometimes work on things that don’t work out … sometimes they get deleted before anyone can see them and other times they get rendered in their unfinished state and kinda rot in one of my folders for eternity
ginkasu: because W.I.P. is content tooI sometimes work on things that don’t work out … sometimes they get deleted before anyone can see them and other times they get rendered in their unfinished state and kinda rot in one of my folders for eternity