kawaiidetectiveenthusiast: Another test, this time of very slow motion, and someone asked for more Harley so two birds and all that. Sorry for slow updates but just been a busy week (even without fallout). 010203
kawaiidetectiveenthusiast: Another test, this time of very slow motion, and someone asked for more Harley so two birds and all that. Sorry for slow updates but just been a busy week (even without fallout). 010203
kawaiidetectiveenthusiast: Another test, this time of very slow motion, and someone asked for more Harley so two birds and all that. Sorry for slow updates but just been a busy week (even without fallout). 010203
kawaiidetectiveenthusiast: Another test, this time of very slow motion, and someone asked for more Harley so two birds and all that. Sorry for slow updates but just been a busy week (even without fallout). 010203