iwantcupcakes: “If a man is judged by the company that he keeps, then I must be doing something right because look at who I’m running with.”– Robert Downey Jr., on his Avengers co-stars, at the 2015 MTV Movie Awards
iwantcupcakes: “If a man is judged by the company that he keeps, then I must be doing something right because look at who I’m running with.”– Robert Downey Jr., on his Avengers co-stars, at the 2015 MTV Movie Awards
iwantcupcakes: “If a man is judged by the company that he keeps, then I must be doing something right because look at who I’m running with.”– Robert Downey Jr., on his Avengers co-stars, at the 2015 MTV Movie Awards
iwantcupcakes: “If a man is judged by the company that he keeps, then I must be doing something right because look at who I’m running with.”– Robert Downey Jr., on his Avengers co-stars, at the 2015 MTV Movie Awards