deadlycollision:kellyeden: gabzillatheillestandrealest:Yes! Set her straight! No- both are in the wrong. Fighting fire with fire has never worked in any situation. Im tired of seeing women belittle each other for superficial things they lack. More so,
deadlycollision:kellyeden: gabzillatheillestandrealest:Yes! Set her straight! No- both are in the wrong. Fighting fire with fire has never worked in any situation. Im tired of seeing women belittle each other for superficial things they lack. More so,
deadlycollision:kellyeden: gabzillatheillestandrealest:Yes! Set her straight! No- both are in the wrong. Fighting fire with fire has never worked in any situation. Im tired of seeing women belittle each other for superficial things they lack. More so,