cosplaysleepeatplay: While American students solemnly plod across a stage, be-cap and gowned, Japanese graduates are not restricted to such uniform, and these folks have taken full advantage of the freedom; turning their celebration into, you know,
cosplaysleepeatplay: While American students solemnly plod across a stage, be-cap and gowned, Japanese graduates are not restricted to such uniform, and these folks have taken full advantage of the freedom; turning their celebration into, you know,
cosplaysleepeatplay: While American students solemnly plod across a stage, be-cap and gowned, Japanese graduates are not restricted to such uniform, and these folks have taken full advantage of the freedom; turning their celebration into, you know,
cosplaysleepeatplay: While American students solemnly plod across a stage, be-cap and gowned, Japanese graduates are not restricted to such uniform, and these folks have taken full advantage of the freedom; turning their celebration into, you know,
cosplaysleepeatplay: While American students solemnly plod across a stage, be-cap and gowned, Japanese graduates are not restricted to such uniform, and these folks have taken full advantage of the freedom; turning their celebration into, you know,
cosplaysleepeatplay: While American students solemnly plod across a stage, be-cap and gowned, Japanese graduates are not restricted to such uniform, and these folks have taken full advantage of the freedom; turning their celebration into, you know,