bogleech: Is anything funnier than the juxtaposition of how silly all birds look and how seriously they take themselves like some of those cute little noises by fat tiny round birds are even territorial threats that are supposed to scare you away
bogleech: Is anything funnier than the juxtaposition of how silly all birds look and how seriously they take themselves like some of those cute little noises by fat tiny round birds are even territorial threats that are supposed to scare you away
bogleech: Is anything funnier than the juxtaposition of how silly all birds look and how seriously they take themselves like some of those cute little noises by fat tiny round birds are even territorial threats that are supposed to scare you away
bogleech: Is anything funnier than the juxtaposition of how silly all birds look and how seriously they take themselves like some of those cute little noises by fat tiny round birds are even territorial threats that are supposed to scare you away