ronaldkn0x: shsl-introvert: ronaldkn0x: ronaldkn0x: where are they now: famous homestuck bloggers edition according to all the asks i got apparently they fled to the dangan ronpa fandom i love how you say fled as if a plague attacked the homestuck
ronaldkn0x: shsl-introvert: ronaldkn0x: ronaldkn0x: where are they now: famous homestuck bloggers edition according to all the asks i got apparently they fled to the dangan ronpa fandom i love how you say fled as if a plague attacked the homestuck
ronaldkn0x: shsl-introvert: ronaldkn0x: ronaldkn0x: where are they now: famous homestuck bloggers edition according to all the asks i got apparently they fled to the dangan ronpa fandom i love how you say fled as if a plague attacked the homestuck