rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?
rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?
rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?
rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?
rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?
rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?
rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?
rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?
rotinaparalela: escaping from this endless pressure gameso I can clear the borderline of gloryhow many..? how many reparations must be made?what do you wish to avoid losing hold of?