afearreservedfordragons: People Solas should fear more than the Inquisitor: 1. Hawke’s love interest if Hawke was left in the Fade. 2. The Warden Commander if Alistair was left in the Fade. -Like dude steps out of a mirror trying to recruit Merrill
afearreservedfordragons: People Solas should fear more than the Inquisitor: 1. Hawke’s love interest if Hawke was left in the Fade. 2. The Warden Commander if Alistair was left in the Fade. -Like dude steps out of a mirror trying to recruit Merrill
afearreservedfordragons: People Solas should fear more than the Inquisitor: 1. Hawke’s love interest if Hawke was left in the Fade. 2. The Warden Commander if Alistair was left in the Fade. -Like dude steps out of a mirror trying to recruit Merrill