verzisnsfwblog: Ah, Vaike, one of those characters with a personality that I kinda like, but never really used an awful lot. I’m a perfectionist and like to cycle through my entire fucking roster, so he got SOME use, but not nearly as much as Miriel
verzisnsfwblog: Ah, Vaike, one of those characters with a personality that I kinda like, but never really used an awful lot. I’m a perfectionist and like to cycle through my entire fucking roster, so he got SOME use, but not nearly as much as Miriel
verzisnsfwblog: Ah, Vaike, one of those characters with a personality that I kinda like, but never really used an awful lot. I’m a perfectionist and like to cycle through my entire fucking roster, so he got SOME use, but not nearly as much as Miriel