slashyrogue: “When did you first realize you were in love?” The question comes unbidden in the dark, Hannibal’s breath teasing his chin as Will clutches tighter and lets out an exasperated breath of his own. “You can’t invalidate her by
slashyrogue: “When did you first realize you were in love?” The question comes unbidden in the dark, Hannibal’s breath teasing his chin as Will clutches tighter and lets out an exasperated breath of his own. “You can’t invalidate her by
slashyrogue: “When did you first realize you were in love?” The question comes unbidden in the dark, Hannibal’s breath teasing his chin as Will clutches tighter and lets out an exasperated breath of his own. “You can’t invalidate her by
slashyrogue: “When did you first realize you were in love?” The question comes unbidden in the dark, Hannibal’s breath teasing his chin as Will clutches tighter and lets out an exasperated breath of his own. “You can’t invalidate her by
slashyrogue: “When did you first realize you were in love?” The question comes unbidden in the dark, Hannibal’s breath teasing his chin as Will clutches tighter and lets out an exasperated breath of his own. “You can’t invalidate her by
slashyrogue: “When did you first realize you were in love?” The question comes unbidden in the dark, Hannibal’s breath teasing his chin as Will clutches tighter and lets out an exasperated breath of his own. “You can’t invalidate her by