jlewdaby: SHADBASE | TWITTER | PATREON 7-9 are up! Man it’s like a time capsule looking at these methods i’ve done in the past :o some good, some “ok” and a lot definitely blegh… ;9
jlewdaby: SHADBASE | TWITTER | PATREON 7-9 are up! Man it’s like a time capsule looking at these methods i’ve done in the past :o some good, some “ok” and a lot definitely blegh… ;9
jlewdaby: SHADBASE | TWITTER | PATREON 7-9 are up! Man it’s like a time capsule looking at these methods i’ve done in the past :o some good, some “ok” and a lot definitely blegh… ;9
jlewdaby: SHADBASE | TWITTER | PATREON 7-9 are up! Man it’s like a time capsule looking at these methods i’ve done in the past :o some good, some “ok” and a lot definitely blegh… ;9