starboy8: Is Pokémon just becoming Jojo now. Because jojo posing is now a new game mechanic and that new legendary is absolutely a stand I sure hope so! X3
starboy8: Is Pokémon just becoming Jojo now. Because jojo posing is now a new game mechanic and that new legendary is absolutely a stand I sure hope so! X3
starboy8: Is Pokémon just becoming Jojo now. Because jojo posing is now a new game mechanic and that new legendary is absolutely a stand I sure hope so! X3
starboy8: Is Pokémon just becoming Jojo now. Because jojo posing is now a new game mechanic and that new legendary is absolutely a stand I sure hope so! X3
starboy8: Is Pokémon just becoming Jojo now. Because jojo posing is now a new game mechanic and that new legendary is absolutely a stand I sure hope so! X3