thedashinghoodlum: triptrippy: *SLAMS HAND ON TABLE* LET WINSTON MAKE A FURSONA wouldn’t it be a Persona then??? arent humans another form of apes? lol
thedashinghoodlum: triptrippy: *SLAMS HAND ON TABLE* LET WINSTON MAKE A FURSONA wouldn’t it be a Persona then??? arent humans another form of apes? lol
thedashinghoodlum: triptrippy: *SLAMS HAND ON TABLE* LET WINSTON MAKE A FURSONA wouldn’t it be a Persona then??? arent humans another form of apes? lol
thedashinghoodlum: triptrippy: *SLAMS HAND ON TABLE* LET WINSTON MAKE A FURSONA wouldn’t it be a Persona then??? arent humans another form of apes? lol