incaseart: Here’s the winner of the Oraldome. Bayonetta! Since the request did not specify which look to go with I went with the objectively hotter one. I’ll leave the patreon post up so you guys can still vote and post new requests. I’ll probably
incaseart: Here’s the winner of the Oraldome. Bayonetta! Since the request did not specify which look to go with I went with the objectively hotter one. I’ll leave the patreon post up so you guys can still vote and post new requests. I’ll probably
incaseart: Here’s the winner of the Oraldome. Bayonetta! Since the request did not specify which look to go with I went with the objectively hotter one. I’ll leave the patreon post up so you guys can still vote and post new requests. I’ll probably
incaseart: Here’s the winner of the Oraldome. Bayonetta! Since the request did not specify which look to go with I went with the objectively hotter one. I’ll leave the patreon post up so you guys can still vote and post new requests. I’ll probably
incaseart: Here’s the winner of the Oraldome. Bayonetta! Since the request did not specify which look to go with I went with the objectively hotter one. I’ll leave the patreon post up so you guys can still vote and post new requests. I’ll probably