phoebesbridgers: GET TO KNOW ME MEME ♡ actresses → TESSA THOMPSON“There was a period when I had a hard time reconciling all the different parts of me in a way that I thought would make sense to others.”
phoebesbridgers: GET TO KNOW ME MEME ♡ actresses → TESSA THOMPSON“There was a period when I had a hard time reconciling all the different parts of me in a way that I thought would make sense to others.”
phoebesbridgers: GET TO KNOW ME MEME ♡ actresses → TESSA THOMPSON“There was a period when I had a hard time reconciling all the different parts of me in a way that I thought would make sense to others.”
phoebesbridgers: GET TO KNOW ME MEME ♡ actresses → TESSA THOMPSON“There was a period when I had a hard time reconciling all the different parts of me in a way that I thought would make sense to others.”
phoebesbridgers: GET TO KNOW ME MEME ♡ actresses → TESSA THOMPSON“There was a period when I had a hard time reconciling all the different parts of me in a way that I thought would make sense to others.”
phoebesbridgers: GET TO KNOW ME MEME ♡ actresses → TESSA THOMPSON“There was a period when I had a hard time reconciling all the different parts of me in a way that I thought would make sense to others.”
phoebesbridgers: GET TO KNOW ME MEME ♡ actresses → TESSA THOMPSON“There was a period when I had a hard time reconciling all the different parts of me in a way that I thought would make sense to others.”