commiebeatle:GET TO KNOW ME MEME: films [1/5] ORLANDO (1992) dir. Sally Potter “One: You are legally dead and therefore cannot hold any property whatsoever. Two: You are now a female. Which amounts to much the same thing.”
commiebeatle:GET TO KNOW ME MEME: films [1/5] ORLANDO (1992) dir. Sally Potter “One: You are legally dead and therefore cannot hold any property whatsoever. Two: You are now a female. Which amounts to much the same thing.”
commiebeatle:GET TO KNOW ME MEME: films [1/5] ORLANDO (1992) dir. Sally Potter “One: You are legally dead and therefore cannot hold any property whatsoever. Two: You are now a female. Which amounts to much the same thing.”
commiebeatle:GET TO KNOW ME MEME: films [1/5] ORLANDO (1992) dir. Sally Potter “One: You are legally dead and therefore cannot hold any property whatsoever. Two: You are now a female. Which amounts to much the same thing.”
commiebeatle:GET TO KNOW ME MEME: films [1/5] ORLANDO (1992) dir. Sally Potter “One: You are legally dead and therefore cannot hold any property whatsoever. Two: You are now a female. Which amounts to much the same thing.”
commiebeatle:GET TO KNOW ME MEME: films [1/5] ORLANDO (1992) dir. Sally Potter “One: You are legally dead and therefore cannot hold any property whatsoever. Two: You are now a female. Which amounts to much the same thing.”
commiebeatle:GET TO KNOW ME MEME: films [1/5] ORLANDO (1992) dir. Sally Potter “One: You are legally dead and therefore cannot hold any property whatsoever. Two: You are now a female. Which amounts to much the same thing.”