la-cineaste: Q: Is human knowledge really limited? A: I see you’re desperate for me to tell you what you should have learned in school. I will give you this comfort: human knowledge is infinite and boundless. But that doesn’t mean that the problem
la-cineaste: Q: Is human knowledge really limited? A: I see you’re desperate for me to tell you what you should have learned in school. I will give you this comfort: human knowledge is infinite and boundless. But that doesn’t mean that the problem
la-cineaste: Q: Is human knowledge really limited? A: I see you’re desperate for me to tell you what you should have learned in school. I will give you this comfort: human knowledge is infinite and boundless. But that doesn’t mean that the problem
la-cineaste: Q: Is human knowledge really limited? A: I see you’re desperate for me to tell you what you should have learned in school. I will give you this comfort: human knowledge is infinite and boundless. But that doesn’t mean that the problem
la-cineaste: Q: Is human knowledge really limited? A: I see you’re desperate for me to tell you what you should have learned in school. I will give you this comfort: human knowledge is infinite and boundless. But that doesn’t mean that the problem
la-cineaste: Q: Is human knowledge really limited? A: I see you’re desperate for me to tell you what you should have learned in school. I will give you this comfort: human knowledge is infinite and boundless. But that doesn’t mean that the problem