theruleset: Sweetpea seems to have a consistent issue with punctuality, though she was less wrong this time. Only 4 minutes late, she protested. 4 minutes with the belt later, and she was promising to be on time from then on out.(Starring thefloralfemme)
theruleset: Sweetpea seems to have a consistent issue with punctuality, though she was less wrong this time. Only 4 minutes late, she protested. 4 minutes with the belt later, and she was promising to be on time from then on out.(Starring thefloralfemme)
theruleset: Sweetpea seems to have a consistent issue with punctuality, though she was less wrong this time. Only 4 minutes late, she protested. 4 minutes with the belt later, and she was promising to be on time from then on out.(Starring thefloralfemme)